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Why not javascript

Yesterday I read a thread about “why everyone should master javascript” on twitter and the main argument was, that we can uses JS to everything and everywhere. But I have to disagree with it.

Undoubtedly, javascript, become the powerhouse of web development, offering a versatile and dynamic approach to creating interactive and engaging user experiences. With the advent of technologies like Node.js, JavaScript has even extended its reach to server-side development. The mantra “You can do everything using JavaScript” has gained popularity, but is it always the best approach? In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of relying on JavaScript for every aspect of web development and the importance of striking a balance.

You can do everything using JS

This statement is very tricky because yes that’s right, you can, but, should you?

Using JavaScript everywhere sounds cool at first, but let’s real talk. JavaScript is a speedster in some situations, but when you throw it onto mobile devices, for exemple, things can get messy. Those resource-hungry javaScript apps might turn your smooth user experience into a frustrating snail crawl. Plus, each platform has its unique quirks and cool features. Trying to force the same JavaScript magic everywhere might mean sacrificing those nifty native functionalities, leaving users feeling like something’s off. Sure, it’s nice to start with a one-language-fits-all approach, but down the road, keeping things up-to-date, fixing bugs, and tailoring for each platform can turn into a headache. And don’t get me started on security – JavaScript might be snug in the browser, but once you take it to new places, who knows what kind of security challenges might pop up? So, while it’s tempting to be the JavaScript superhero, sometimes it’s okay to let other languages save the day, we have other possibilities.

I am not saying that javascript is the worst for mobiles apps, but we have betters possibilities to do mobiles apps.

Others things that can be built using JS that was mentioned on twitter thread was databases and embedded systems, Not to mention that in the twitter thread was considered do others things using JS like databases or .

The power of Javascript

JavaScript is a client-side scripting language that enables developers to add interactivity and responsiveness to websites. Its versatility allows for the creation of complex applications, from single-page applications (SPAs) to server-side development using frameworks like Express. js. With the rise of front-end libraries and frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue, developers can build robust user interfaces efficiently.