
The notes is a website to support you manage your annotations!


The notes is a website to support you manage your annotations!

Bosch Einer

A bosch Toolkit and Developer ecossystem, revamped (Experience using Typescript, ReactJS, Microservices and Monorepos)

Bosch Einer

A bosch Toolkit and Developer ecossystem, revamped (Experience using Typescript, ReactJS, Microservices and Monorepos)

The Books

This is website was developed to help people to organize themself with they personal tasks. This website contain three tools, a notes tool, a to do list and a Kanban methology tool Also have a auth system to everyone create your own user.

The Books

This is website was developed to help people to organize themself with they personal tasks. This website contain three tools, a notes tool, a to do list and a Kanban methology tool Also have a auth system to everyone create your own user.


I won the first place in a Bosch hackathon with this project! Me and my group, developed this project to help and support new apprendices at Bosch, because, a apprentice has a lot of doubts about the interprise, the rules, areas and other similar things. So, to help this new colaborators, we developed this chatBot thats use Machine learning to get better answers. The robosch can be on web, Whatsapp and also telegram!


I won the first place in a Bosch hackathon with this project! Me and my group, developed this project to help and support new apprendices at Bosch, because, a apprentice has a lot of doubts about the interprise, the rules, areas and other similar things. So, to help this new colaborators, we developed this chatBot thats use Machine learning to get better answers. The robosch can be on web, Whatsapp and also telegram!

Bosch internals projects

I developed some internals projects at bosch. projects like websites, api's, chatBots and desktop softwares. The technologies core used in this projects was Python and TypeScript.

Bosch internals projects

I developed some internals projects at bosch. projects like websites, api's, chatBots and desktop softwares. The technologies core used in this projects was Python and TypeScript.

Personals projects

I developed a lot of personals projects using severals technologies! In the backend I developed projects using: - Golang - Deno - Elixir - Node In the front-end I just have used: - React - Nextjs - Fresh - Phoenix

Personals projects

I developed a lot of personals projects using severals technologies! In the backend I developed projects using: - Golang - Deno - Elixir - Node In the front-end I just have used: - React - Nextjs - Fresh - Phoenix